Sunday, November 27, 2011
14. Good manners are important. There is never an excuse for rudeness. The quality of life is largely about small human transactions, and politeness makes human experience bearable.
15. You will sometimes fail. There will never be a point in your life when you are too successful, too old or too wise to fail. Expect failure and let it put steel into your soul. Be made strong by your failures and be made grateful by your success. Like night and day, both will surely come to every life.
22. Learn which bridge to cross and which to burn.
27. Do not waste your time on jealousy, hatred, or watching Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
28. When possible, get there by walking.
35. Strain every fiber of your being to resist hating someone you once loved.
41. The one with the power in any relationship is the one who cares the least.
42. Stun them with your talent. Dazzle them with your genius. Never be half-hearted. Never be lukewarm. Attempt to knock every ball out of the park.
43. A thick skin will serve you better than a trust fund.
44. Be decent and kind to all the people who can't do anything for you.
45. Self-pity is more destructive than heroin.
48. Happiness will come and go - the important thing is to recognize it when it is here.
49. Luck will be both good and bad - but relying on good luck is like counting on the postman to bring you a check.
55. The best cure for jet lag is sunshine. The best cure for a hangover is Black Doctor - Coca-Cola (regular, not diet). The best cure for diarrhea is live yoghurt. The best cure for a broken heart is another trip to the moon on gossamer wings.
58. Learn to trust your instincts. Only the dead go with the tide. Only the living can go against it.
59. Do not prepare- begin. Time is always accelerating. With every passing season, a year is always a smaller percentage of your life.
60. "Learn to live with what you can't rise above"
- Bruce Springsteen
67. Money spent on education is the one investment that will always show a huge profit.
68. "A lifetime is a flash of lightening in the sky" - Buddha
by Tony Parsons
these were written for men but, whatever