I'm waiting on the most gorgeous pictures right now from a shoot I did on Sunday with one of my new favorite photographers, Erin Sawyer 🔆🔆 But here's one as a sneak peek 》
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This is my new babygirl Teuila (Tay-wee-lah) There are a few different ways to pronounce it and none of them are wrong. I pretty much say it how it's spelled out above, which may be more traditional. Name meaning 》 flower of the Samoan ginger plant. 🌺 She's all of that and more. Totally in love! I adopted her from the cutest no-kill rescue based here in CO. Always recommend adopting not shopping when it comes to looking for a pet because they're all looking for your love and all need their forever homes 💙 With that said buy some jewelry! ⬇️ And make sure you're following me over on my Instagram:
@bestdebbieever ✌
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