So I have to write about the last few hours. My Mom came to pick me up and we went down to Seattle just to drive around and to look at her old job that she was at for 13 years. I was just remembering everything from when I was a little kid. Being on Queen Anne hill always reminds me of my childhood. I saw all the old restaurants that I used to go to on her lunch breaks (my mom was a work-a-holic), some of the places are now gone and new things are there. Old markets that I used to go to, the post office my mom used to stop at every day, pike place market, the park where my parents watched president Clinton speak, the science center that I was forced to go to as a kid, the costume store where I got my halloween costumes. The building that was my dad's (where my mom worked) is now a condo complex. It feels so surreal to look at those streets. Remembering when I was there and knee-high and a brat hahaha, just kidding. I loved talking about and remembering everything. Wish my brother Nero could've been there, buuut he's in Pullman at school. It wasn't really complete without him. We called him though. Haha. I love Seattle. I think I have the most beautiful home town in the world...
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