Wasser fur die Elefanten
I love saying the name in German for some reason, lol not really sure why my brain prefers it to come out of my mouth this way but I utter that regularly. To me it sounds really nice coming off the tongue, (secretly wish this is the name that would be on my DVD). So erm, why am I here? Oh, the movie's Facebook page recently made picture albums for each of the main characters, which really made me smile. Thought it was really sweet that they gave Marlena an album, August, Rosie and then finally Jacob. It's nice when you can really grow to love a movie and a story down to every bit, and it's apparent that others enjoyed it just as much as you did. I realized yesterday that I have a thing for each character in some way, their own separate traits- certain things that they did or said resonated with me in each of them.

And you know... I'm a star attraction.
Out there- they got nothin', just like everybody else.
She swallows and looks at her lap. "There was something else I wanted to talk to you about. What happened in the alley. In Chicago."
"That was entirely my fault," I say quickly. "I can't imagine what came over me. Temporary insanity or something. I'm so very sorry. I can assure you it will never happen again."
"Oh," she says quietly.
I look up, startled. Unless I'm very much mistaken, I think I've must managed to offend her. "I'm not saying... It's not that you're not... I just..."
"Are you saying you didn't want to kiss me?"

"Oh my Lord," says Marlena. "Oh my Lord, that was close. I wonder if August got out."
"I sure hope so," I say, struggling for air. I lean over, resting my hands on my thighs.
After a moment, I look up at Marlena. She's staring straight at me, breathing through her mouth. She starts laughing hysterically.
"What?" I say.
"Oh, nothing," she says. "Nothing." She continues to laugh, but looks perilously close to tears.
"What is it?" I say.
"Oh," she says, sniffing and bringing a finger to the corner of her eye. "It's just a crazy damned life, that's all. Do you have a handkerchief?"

My name is Jacob Jankowski... aha, and this is Marlena Rosenbluth.
My you're a beauty.
I open the orangutan's door and set a pan of fruits, vegetables, and nuts on the floor. As I close it, her long arm reaches through the bars. She points at an orange in another pan.
"That? You want that?"
She continues to point, blinking at me with close-set eyes. Her features are concave, her face a wide platter fringed with red hair. She's the most outrageous and beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Here," I say, handing her the orange. "You can have it."
She takes it and sets in on the floor. Then she reaches out again. After several seconds of serious misgivings, I hold out my hand. She wraps her long fingers around it, then lets go. She sits on her haunches and peels her orange.
I stare in amazement. She was thanking me.

Your heart goes out to an animal suffering well that's noble and that's good, but all that tells me is that you never saw men suffer.
She grabs his arm. "Auggie! Where are you going?"
"I'm not the only one who's going to pay for the lemonade," he says, shaking her off.
"August, no! She grabs his elbow again. This time she throws her weight into it, trying to prevent him from leaving. "August, wait! For God's sake. She didn't know. We'll secure her better next time--"
August wrenches free and Marlena crashes to the ground. He looks at her in utter disgust. Then he plants his hat on his head and turns away.
"August!" she shrieks. "Stop!"
The worlds run on tricks, everyone plays.
But it's having a true talent, a gift born within- something no degree can give you.
Breaking Dawn
This video of a scene from the movie was released here recently, and I'm not quite sure I'll be able to do justice here, but I guess I can try.
I cried. Guess we can start there. From what I can tell Bill Condon really knows his stuff when it comes to provoking the emotions, either that or I was just destined to cry when this was made no matter who directed. This was one of my favorite parts in the book (that's an understatement) and I really couldn't be more happy with the adaption. A very special part for me, and what with each little emotion coming across perfectly from both actors, that tear jerker soft music playing in the background, those nice little lines from the book.... me = finished. I just really cried at this. Not actually sure if I was crying from happiness or just HOW BEAUTIFUL HE IS. MY GOD. But this is perfect. Completely. Bella is just how I imagined her on this night, at these parts- I want to kiss Kristen Stewart on the mouth. When she walked out on the beach in the towel consider me a wreck- that look on her face. She was like, fuck this, I am not afraid anymore. I am ready. When she was struggling in the bathroom, a nervous fucking wreck- we are one Bella. I can relate. She pulls herself together and realizes that even though she doesn't know the first thing, she has absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I was always on the same wave length with what was written here: The fire was no longer a flash burn across my skin (from the nervousness)- it was slow and deep now; it smoldered away all of my awkwardness, my shy uncertainty. I slipped the towel off without hesitation, leaving it on the tree with his clothes, and walked out into the white light;
Is this me? Maybe we're just all the same, and that's why people like this story so much. Because she's a normal girl who experiences the same things that everybody else does. Except her deal is book series worthy, with the vampires and werewolves. I used to get flash burns across my skin around a guy and sometimes I'd get worried, because when I start getting flash burns what comes next is I start getting light-headed, and then I'll pass out. That happened once in church when I was in private school, but it had nothing to do with a guy, think it was just sheer nervousness then. Passed completely out because I ignored my body's warnings, the flash burning over the skin and the faint dizziness. I was just in 4th grade then and didn't know myself like I do now, so I tried to ignore it. When I even feel the beginnings of this now I immediately go sit down and throw some cold water on my face and fan myself with something. But back to the subject of having this reaction because of a guy, the transformation of feelings that she had up there in the book, I've felt. It's like you've got heat flashing over your skin because you are terribly nervous, you don't have the first clue of what to do, and because this person means a lot. But then you take one look at him and realize that he loves you completely (well this is where I leave off), and you have nothing to be afraid of. Then, the heat focuses itself in another area, in your lower area, and it melts away all of the shy instantly. And you know exactly what you want (nookie) and you know exactly how to go for it. All of the sudden you're a woman. It happens that quickly. (Hope not too mushy but there it is.)
And Kristen was just.... no words for how well she brought that across here. There at the end of the clip, the look on her face was right there. I could go on and on and bore you, but I'm sure anyone who loves this story understands. I'm not even prepared for the rest of this movie, judging by my reaction to what I've seen here. I'm scared. Scared I might make a complete utter fool of myself in the theater, maybe I should wait for DVD. I wasn't ready for my reaction to this clip. Was I not expecting it to be this good? Don't know what I was expecting, I guess I just wasn't prepared for finally seeing all these parts that I love from the book in front of my eyes. And it really amps it up for me even more that it's Robert, since I'm kind of in love with him already, so fuck me I am a wreck. I'm over the moon excited to see this whole movie, but at the same time I'm afraid I can't handle it. In a really shitty place...
Don't be a coward.
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