Coffee, coffee, coffee. The beloved and ever-changing morning, midday and evening ritual that even got a branch's start right in my hometown (Hey,
Starbucks 👋) It's been present in my life somewhere pretty much my whole life. If it wasn't me drinking it, someone was. But I've had my own relationship with java since I was younger than 8. On a work trip traveling with my parents, my brother and I spent our time with our dad's coworker's kids, with the son saying one day, 'I love coffee.' My brother and I were totally floored, we didn't know kids our age were allowed coffee!

I thought he was lying. 'Yeah, I love coffee. I have it every morning.' I didn't push the subject any further, because there was just no way that a kid of all of 6-7 years knew so much about the grown-up drink. Over the years until my first cup I was only familiar with the smell. It reminded me of all my school teachers and Monday mornings. Into my teens I took on the Starbucks iced coffee craze with everyone else in Los Angeles, and ignored a slight upset in my stomach the whole time. Being only a teen in sun shiny L.A., there couldn't be a problem with me and something like
coffee right?
I came back to java in my early twenties, and bought my first big mug at
@thebourgeoispigla (seen above). It was cool to get the designs in your foam, so I took that for a spin. And before then, I'd found an alternative that didn't so much give me the bubble guts. The cold, flavored Frappuccino drinks by Starbucks that came in small, glass bottles. Those seemed to go down just fine. I used to grab vanilla or another light flavor to take it down easier. (I just recently bought one all these years later since my teens, and the same outcome!) No tummy ache.
It's been quite a complicated relationship, but I still enjoy the acquired taste. Because in my opinion, it's very much acquired. Being that my stomach is so sensitive to the stuff I don't like to talk about it that much. How weird that my stomach reacts that way, right? I hope to meet someone else with the same story one day. But yep, instant stomach ache, to the bathroom, and even headache sometimes for half of my day if I have it in the morning. Poor weirdo me. (
My mornings aren't totally empty. I switched to having a cup of tea in the morning just a few years ago, and it's like I've found a long lost love
. 💗)
And I've even grown up with a step mother in the house who had a cup religiously every morning. Sometimes I'd even smell coffee brewing at night. I spoke to my doctor on my visit before last about it, and she informed me that I have sensitive stomach lining which is causing the pain being that coffee has such strong components to it. Far out there. ☕ But nice to know.
So it looks like I can only drink my cold frap drinks from Starbucks in the glass bottles. Slowly. 😅 Gone are the days of a mug here and there, just to fit in with all of the cool people. Since I've changed that much since my teens, might I change again by the time I'm say, 50? ☕
Quick add-on: I've just remembered that I have tried one other brand of coffee, a newer brand, that didn't give me those usual after effects!
LaColombe did me well but it's a strong one. I drank it in little sips at a time but so good. ⛾ Found it while passing through the airport and remembered reading great things about it on
goop. Anyone know what this all means?