Saturday, June 8, 2019


I don't usually get this sappy but, sharing about relationships today. 🌹

Dating is different for everyone. Maybe you’re a serial app dater or find yourself in long-distance relationships. No matter the situation, if it doesn’t work out, heartbreak hurts. The way we handle breakups is also different for everyone—for some, it calls for a solid GNO wearing a spicy new outfit followed by wine on the couch. For others, it can mean sulking while listening to a sappy playlist—whatever it takes to get your mind off of him or her, right?
With the right set of tools (and constant pep talks from your friends), the healing process can be a tad less tough. Which is why we tapped Heartbreak Coach, Claire Byrne, to shed light on a) how to tell you’re with Mr. Wrong and b) how to get over him. Editor’s note: Although this article uses male pronouns, the advice applies to all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Read it all here.


Technology has had a massive effect on how we interact with each other, but when it comes to those studies that suggest technology use in the bedroom will hurt your relationship, I would have to disagree. I can't tell you how many articles I've read about how playing on your phone or tablet before bed prevents you from connecting with your partner and fostering a good and healthy relationship. They say the time before sleep is when you should be talking, cuddling and fully enjoying each other's company. They almost make you feel guilty that if you aren't staring into each other's eyes every night and asking each other 100 questions about your thoughts, feelings, and dreams, you're doomed.

But I call bullsh*t. My boyfriend and I have been living together for the past year and a half, and I don't believe us being on separate tablets every night has affected our intimacy at all. Just last night, he stayed late up on his tablet catching up on the latest season of Game of Thrones. I, on the other hand, was laying right next to him watching a documentary. We didn't talk at all, and it was awesome.

Read it all here.


“Understanding is love’s other name. If you don’t understand, you can’t love.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh

One of the things I love most about the Enneagram is that it gifts humanity a common language. It’s a tool that reminds us that everyone sees and interacts with the world in different ways, and it invites us to grow as individuals while also encouraging us to better understand others.

With the Enneagram, we open ourselves up to awareness. No longer do we view the world through a narrow lens. Instead of demanding that others see and do things as we see fit, we learn to celebrate each individual number. Moreover, we gift one another permission to engage in relationships as our most authentic selves, moving beyond accusations and combative language in conflict. In doing all of this, we can experience deeper connections and thrive together.

Not sure what number you are? Start here.

Read it all here.

Make sure to listen to this week's episode of the goop podcast with Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert. So good! 🎧

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